Friday, December 15, 2006

Philly colo delivered

Word came down today that the Philadelphia colocation suite is ready for acceptance. In the interest of time, we're going to have Level3 run through a checklist of items and provide photographs of the suite to accept it remotely. Our hope is that for these smaller Ciena-only sites, we won't need to visit them all in advance of install. This is our first go around with that, so we'll see how well it works out. It will probably be a day or two (or three) while we go back and forth on that.

The multifunction panel that I2's customer circuits will terminate into is on-site and we'll get Level3 remote hands to install it shortly after the acceptance. It's needed ASAP to terminate two fiber cross-connects from MAGPI that should drop in the next several days. Once that's up, we can bring MAGPI up on the new network.