Thursday, November 09, 2006

Chicago Install Day 2

We got off to a late start on Day 2. The badge reader was still not working for any of our Level3 badges. It took a while to get someone out to the POP that could let us in, so we lost about an hour and a half. The POP tech that was there spent a good part of the day working on that reader and was able to get it working for us in the afternoon. It wasn't reading his badge either, so at least we weren't unique. We also got our building badges, so we can get through the lobby more easily on Day 3.

We got everything mounted into the racks and most of the power run. The AC power cables gave us some trouble since they're three times as long as what we need. All our PCs in the old POPs were DC powered, so the power runs were of custom length. A bundle of 12 long AC cords is pretty heavy, so we need to figure out a way to give it enough support to not yank the plugs out at the power controller. I think we'll ultimately have to cut these cables to custom length or try to order some custom ones, but we can't continue to use 10 foot AC cables for 2 foot cable runs.

We got the DC power run to the T640. The Infinera runs should be easy to get done in the morning since you don't need to lay on your back to do them (sorry, Jay!).

Level3 is working on the metro fiber jumper runs and the POTS line. We should be able to wrap most of this up on Day 3.

I placed up a gallery of images from the install process. Enjoy!
Chicago Install Photos